Augustine– tag –
Gnosticism & Buddhism – Exploring the Commonalities between Christianity and Buddhism
The term "Gnosticism" in a nutshell has a rather broad scope. Although the influence of Gnosticism can be seen in the background of Neo-Pythagoreanism, Neo-Platonism, etc., I will focus only on Christian Gnosticism in this article. The h... -
When will the Last Judgment Come? – Relative and Existential Apocalypse
The "Last Judgment" is the Christian idea that after the end of the world, Armageddon, even dead people will be resurrected and Christ will return to judge mankind. the end of the world Resurrection Judgment These three events are a set.... -
Solutions to the Problem of Evil – Final Answer to Theodicy
The topic this time, "Why is there evil in the world created by Almighty God?" has long been discussed in the history of Christianity. Because of this "Problem of Evil", there are many people who say, "If there is a god, why is there evi... -
Predestination and Free Will Can Coexist – Absolute God, Which Also Embraces the Law of Causality
The doctrine of predestination refers to Christ's emphasis on God's sovereignty, which states that whether or not an individual is saved does not depend on the free will and actions of the individual, but rather on the free choice of God...