- Buddhism
- Buddhism Does Not Deny The Spirit(Soul) – Correcting The Error of The No-Self (Anattā) Interpretation
- Difference between Three Dharma Seals and Four Dharma Seals
- What does “Right” mean in the Eightfold Path? – Buddhism as the foundation of ethics
- Buddhist Compassion and Christian Agape – Is There Any Difference?
- Nirvana vs Moksha (Liberation) – Nirvana as a Buddhist Land Theory
- Law of Dependent Co-Arising – Thinking of Dharma in “Being and Time”
- Christianity/Islam/Judaism
- Gnosticism & Buddhism – Exploring the Commonalities between Christianity and Buddhism
- Agape, Storge, Philia, Eros – types of love and angelic love recommendations
- Why is Idolatry Prohibited? -Consider Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, Respectively
- Why is it that “Thou shalt not recite the name of the Lord in vain” (the Ten Commandments)?
- Why is Muhammad the “Last Prophet”? – Buddha can be considered a prophet too!
- Is Polytheism Superior to Monotheism? – Consideration of the “One is Many, Many is One” Philosophy
- Do you stay in hell forever? – Purgatory and the Resurrection of the Soul
- Are Agape and Eros Really Opposites? – Development into No-self love (anattā-Agape)
- Reconciling Predestination and Free Will in Islam – Problems with Inshallah
- Who is the Supreme God (Supreme Deity) – Absolute Nothingness That Transcends Personality.
- When will the Last Judgment Come? – Relative and Existential Apocalypse
- Yahweh and Elohim are Two Different Gods – Why It is Better to Distinguish between the Ethnic Gods and the Supreme God
- Solutions to the Problem of Evil – Final Answer to Theodicy
- Predestination and Free Will Can Coexist – Absolute God, Which Also Embraces the Law of Causality
- Buddhism and Christianity – Theory to Overcome Differences and Extract Similarities
- Diplomacy/Military
- Society/History
- Spiritualism/Self-enlightenment
- The 7 Habits: A Super-Religious Reading – Personal Success (Habits 1-3)
- How to Increase Your Spiritual Rank – The extent to which you can take responsibility is equal to your spiritual rank
- Lemurian Memories – Why It’s Impossible to Remember
- Examining Suicide from a Spiritual Perspective – Suicide does not make you happy
- A Spiritual Examination of Abortion – Does Abortion Constitute Murder?
- Difference between Spirituality and Religion – Why It is Better to Classify Them as Witchcraft or Truth
- Oneness, Buddhism, and the Universe. And to the Enlightenment of Neo Buddhism
- Spiritual Ranking System – How to Increase Your Spiritual Rank
- Why the Akashic Records Are Dangerous – Akashic Readings Are Impossible for Ordinary People
- The Purpose of Reincarnation(Samsara) – Ideas Bridging Freedom and Equality
- Meaning and Mission of Life – What is the Most Winning Theory of Success?
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