Post List
The 7 Habits: A Super-Religious Reading – Personal Success (Habits 1-3)
In this issue, we will discuss what happens when we consider the world's bestseller "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People" (written by Stephen R. Covey) from a religious perspective (or "ultra-religious" or "truth-spiritual" as we cal... -
How to Increase Your Spiritual Rank – The extent to which you can take responsibility is equal to your spiritual rank
There can be many different approaches on how to raise (enhance) spiritual rank. It is no exaggeration to say that various religions since ancient times and even spiritualism in recent years have, in a sense, preached how to raise one's ... -
Gnosticism & Buddhism – Exploring the Commonalities between Christianity and Buddhism
The term "Gnosticism" in a nutshell has a rather broad scope. Although the influence of Gnosticism can be seen in the background of Neo-Pythagoreanism, Neo-Platonism, etc., I will focus only on Christian Gnosticism in this article. The h... -
Lemurian Memories – Why It’s Impossible to Remember
Recently, healing based on the Lemurian civilization (Lemurian healing) seems to be in vogue, following Atlantis and Mu. The Lemurian civilization is said to have a close relationship with the modern Japanese people. It is also said that... -
Examining Suicide from a Spiritual Perspective – Suicide does not make you happy
In Japan, according to statistics, more than 30,000 people commit suicide each year, which is already a war-level death toll. This is a situation that could be called a "mental civil war. In addition, after 2020, the number of suicides i... -
A Spiritual Examination of Abortion – Does Abortion Constitute Murder?
News came out that the British pharmaceutical company Rhein Pharma has filed for approval of an orally administered abortion pill in Japan (2021/12/22). Although this seems to be a welcome trend from the perspective of maternal protectio... -
Truth Spiritual Diagnosis of LGBT – Heterosexuality is the Standard on Earth
In recent years, public opinion seems to be moving in the direction of "recognizing diversity and achieving gender equality" with regard to so-called sexual minorities, known as LGBT or LGBTQ. LGBTQ means the following, respectively L: L... -
Agape, Storge, Philia, Eros – types of love and angelic love recommendations
There are various types and forms of love. And today, "love" seems to be understood in a rather skewed way. The word "love" in the lyrics of popular music is often limited to "love between a man and a woman," with the meaning of "how to ... -
Why is Idolatry Prohibited? -Consider Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, Respectively
In March 2001, the Taliban, an extreme interpretation of Islam that prohibits idolatry, blew up the Great Buddha at Bamiyan, a world-class Buddhist site. Also in January 2015, the headquarters of the satirical magazine Charriebd (Paris),... -
Why is it that “Thou shalt not recite the name of the Lord in vain” (the Ten Commandments)?
The famous Ten Commandments of Moses (the third commandment) include, "Thou shalt not utter the name of the Lord without praise." The exact wording is as follows. “You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God, for the Lord will not... -
Why is Muhammad the “Last Prophet”? – Buddha can be considered a prophet too!
Muhammad is considered the "last and greatest prophet" in Islam. Its basis in the Qur'an and Hadith (the Book of Acts of Muhammad) is as follows. Muhammad is not the father of [any] one of your men, but [he is] the Messenger of Allah and... -
Difference between Spirituality and Religion – Why It is Better to Classify Them as Witchcraft or Truth
When people ask us, "Are spirituality and religion the same or different?", we often find it difficult to answer. It may be said that they are "the same" in the sense that they believe in a supernatural power (transcendent being) beyond ... -
Is Polytheism Superior to Monotheism? – Consideration of the “One is Many, Many is One” Philosophy
There are many ways to classify religions, one way is to divide them into monotheism and polytheism. The difference between monotheism and polytheism can be said to be literal, or for the moment, "whether one believes in only one god or ... -
Do you stay in hell forever? – Purgatory and the Resurrection of the Soul
In this issue, I would like to discuss the Christian theory of hell. Hell is sometimes called "Gehenna" or "Hades," a name of Old Greek origin. Roughly speaking, the following differences seem to exist Gehenna: eternal hell Hades: where ... -
Are Agape and Eros Really Opposites? – Development into No-self love (anattā-Agape)
As you know, Eros is the god of love and sexuality in Greek mythology and the child of Aphrodite, the goddess of beauty. In Roman mythology, he is famous as Cupid with a bow and arrow. In Christian theology and context, agape and eros wo... -
Reconciling Predestination and Free Will in Islam – Problems with Inshallah
Insha Allah" means "as God wills," "if God wills," and "may it be so. It's an interjection that Muslims often use when talking about the future. The English spelling is "inshallah", but the original Arabic spelling is إن شاء الله ('in šā... -
Buddhism Does Not Deny The Spirit(Soul) – Correcting The Error of The No-Self (Anattā) Interpretation
The theme of this issue, 'no-self(anattā)', is probably one of the most misunderstood concepts in Buddhism. It is an issue that has come up many times in the history of Buddhism in the past as well as in the present day. The misconceptio... -
Difference between Three Dharma Seals and Four Dharma Seals
Every religion has its own particular characteristics that are unique to it. In order to differentiate Buddhism from other religions (Brahmanism and the teachings of the Six Masters of the Exoteric Path), the three Dharma seals or four D... -
What does “Right” mean in the Eightfold Path? – Buddhism as the foundation of ethics
Noble Eightfold Path corresponds to the fourth "path" of the Four Noble Truths (the Four Sacred Truths), the "cessation of suffering "( commonly called nibbana (Sanskrit: nirvana). Noble Eightfold Path, as you can see from the fact that ... -
Oneness, Buddhism, and the Universe. And to the Enlightenment of Neo Buddhism
Oneness, as the name implies, means "being one. Each of us, whether human, animal, plant, or mineral, has our own "differences" and individuality, but beyond such differences and separateness, there is a great cosmic consciousness, and u... -
The Difference Between Wallace and Darwin’s Theory of Evolution – Uncovering Darwin’s Mistakes and the Truth about Evolution
When it comes to Charles Darwin's theory of evolution, there is a sense in which it has become almost completely the default. Darwin's theory of evolution has influenced not only the field of biology, but also science in general, sociolo... -
Who is the Supreme God (Supreme Deity) – Absolute Nothingness That Transcends Personality.
The supreme (God)deity is, in a nutshell, literally, "God at the top. However, God at the top can be taken to mean several things. Is it the top among many gods? Is it the one and only supreme god without admitting many gods? There is al... -
When will the Last Judgment Come? – Relative and Existential Apocalypse
The "Last Judgment" is the Christian idea that after the end of the world, Armageddon, even dead people will be resurrected and Christ will return to judge mankind. the end of the world Resurrection Judgment These three events are a set.... -
Buddhist Compassion and Christian Agape – Is There Any Difference?
Buddhism is sometimes referred to as the "religion of compassion," while Christianity is probably roughly understood as the "religion of love (agape). It seems that "compassion" and "love (agape)" have something in common in the broad se... -
Spiritual Ranking System – How to Increase Your Spiritual Rank
The stages of spiritual rank are discussed on various spiritual sites, but I have not been able to find much that comes out in a neat and organized manner, so I will write on that topic this time. I would also like to talk as concretely ... -
Causes of Religious Conflict and Possible Solutions
Whenever Japanese people discuss religious wars and inter-religious conflicts, they always come up with the opinion, "Isn't it wrong to have religion in the first place?" This is an opinion that is often voiced by Japanese people. Self-c... -
Why the Akashic Records Are Dangerous – Akashic Readings Are Impossible for Ordinary People
Akashic Records/Akashic Reading is quite famous in the spiritual industry. The naming is cool, and you may be attracted to it just by hearing the name. However, based on my spiritual insight, I would like to conclude first that "it is im... -
Yahweh and Elohim are Two Different Gods – Why It is Better to Distinguish between the Ethnic Gods and the Supreme God
Have you ever wondered why there are so many wars in Christian countries when the teachings of Jesus Christ are about love? If it were a defensive war, or what political science classifies as a just war, it would be justifiable. However,... -
Nirvana vs Moksha (Liberation) – Nirvana as a Buddhist Land Theory
As for Moksha and Nirvana, I personally believe that they are the most misunderstood concepts in Buddhism. Many of you may have read several Buddhist books, but you may not be able to get a clear idea of what Moksha or Nirvana is. Therav... -
The Purpose of Reincarnation(Samsara) – Ideas Bridging Freedom and Equality
In the East, the idea of reincarnation was preached by the Brahmins of ancient India. The fate of the previous life determines the state (status, etc.) of the present life. This was also used to defend the caste system. Buddhism inherite...